How Do You Adapt Marketing to Changing Consumer Behavior?

How Do You Adapt Marketing to Changing Consumer Behavior?

In an ever-evolving marketplace, CEOs and Directors are at the forefront of adapting their marketing strategies to meet changing consumer behaviors. From highlighting sustainability in campaigns to innovating with AR and interactive campaigns, we’ve gathered eight insightful examples from top industry leaders. Discover how these professionals are reshaping their approaches to stay ahead in the dynamic world of marketing.

  • Highlighting Sustainability in Campaigns
  • Hyper-Targeted Niche Marketing
  • Optimizing for Mobile-First Engagement
  • Marketing to Freelancers in Gig Economy
  • Investing in Digital-First Strategy
  • Focusing on Engaging Video Content
  • Pivoting to UGC Creator Certification
  • Innovating with AR and Interactive Campaigns


Highlighting Sustainability in Campaigns

As the landscape changes, especially in SaaS and e-commerce, it’s crucial to adapt and innovate to stay ahead. Here, I’ll share one specific example of how we’ve adjusted our marketing strategies to align with recent changes in consumer preferences and behaviors.

Emphasizing Sustainability in Marketing Messages: We noticed a significant trend toward environmental consciousness among consumers, which led us to adjust our marketing messages to highlight sustainability. 

For our clients whose products or services had eco-friendly attributes, we brought these features to the forefront of our marketing efforts. This involved creating content that detailed the sustainable practices of the company, from production to packaging and beyond. We also partnered with influencers who advocate for sustainability to broaden the reach and impact of our campaigns. This not only aligned with consumer values but also differentiated our clients in competitive markets.

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital


Hyper-Targeted Niche Marketing

At our company, we pride ourselves on our agile approach to marketing strategies, especially for our SaaS and e-commerce clients. Here is a unique example of how we’ve pivoted our marketing strategies in response to shifting consumer trends and behaviors.

Niche Market Targeting Using Advanced Segmentation:

Instead of broad campaigns, we shifted focus to hyper-targeted marketing that addresses niche markets. Using advanced data analytics, we identify sub-segments within our primary audience that exhibit unique characteristics and tailor our campaigns specifically to these groups.

For example, targeting tech-savvy early adopters with advanced product features before rolling out broader campaigns. This allows us to create highly focused marketing messages that resonate strongly with specific groups, improving the efficiency of our ad spend and increasing overall campaign effectiveness.

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs


Optimizing for Mobile-First Engagement

At RankWatch, where we continuously adapt to the evolving digital landscape, a significant shift occurred when we noticed a surge in mobile usage among our users. Recognizing this shift in consumer behavior, we pivoted our marketing strategy to focus more on mobile-first content. We optimized our website’s design and user experience for mobile devices, ensuring that all visual and textual content was easily accessible on smaller screens. This adjustment improved user engagement and boosted our SEO performance, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites.

Additionally, we enhanced our email marketing campaigns for mobile users by shortening content and including more visually appealing elements, which increased open and click-through rates. This approach was based on data showing that our audience increasingly accessed emails via mobile devices. By aligning our strategies with these behavioral trends, we met our users where they are most active, leading to higher engagement and more effective communication.

Sahil Kakkar, CEO and Founder, RankWatch


Marketing to Freelancers in Gig Economy

Recognizing the immense growth of the “gig economy,” we adjusted our marketing strategy towards freelancers and gig workers. We identified that our suite of software tools caters perfectly to their needs for flexibility, productivity, and remote work capabilities. 

So, we began promoting our tools as ‘freelancer-friendly,’ highlighting features such as easy collaboration and project management. This shift allowed us to tap into a rapidly growing market segment while providing a solution that supports the modern work environment these gig workers thrive in.

Abid Salahi, Co-founder and CEO, FinlyWealth


Investing in Digital-First Strategy

One example of adjusting marketing strategies in response to shifts in consumer behavior is pivoting to a digital-first approach. When consumer behavior shifted toward online shopping, we invested heavily in SEO, social media advertising, and influencer partnerships. 

This allowed us to reach our audience where they spend most of their time, leading to a 25% increase in online sales within six months. By continuously monitoring trends and being agile in our strategy, we stay ahead of the curve and meet our customers’ evolving preferences effectively.

Peter Wang, Founder, Exploding Insights


Focusing on Engaging Video Content

Increasing our focus on video content, we noticed a significant rise in video consumption and engagement on social media platforms. To capitalize on this, we started creating more short, engaging video clips highlighting product features, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at our company. This shift not only increased our social media engagement but also improved brand visibility and drove more traffic to our website, aligning with the evolving preferences of our audience.

Inge Von Aulock, CEO, Top Apps


Pivot to UGC Creator Certification

In the UGC creator industry, we’ve noticed a significant shift.

After UGC creators establish themselves, they tend to pivot to teaching beginners. This development has had a substantial impact on our digital products, particularly our UGC Creator course. Interestingly, our competitors have become the audience we are trying to reach.

In response to this shift, we adjusted our marketing strategy. Instead of teaching what every other creator can teach, we decided to sell the idea of certification for our UGC creator course.

There are thousands of UGC creators starting out their careers every month, and we know brand-new creators have to stand out.

As a result, we have seen a significant increase in sales.

Victor Hsi, Founder, UGC Creator Community


Innovating with AR and Interactive Campaigns

I spent the last few years working with Richards-Wilcox, a major garage door manufacturer, that found buyers increasingly gravitated towards batch-one customization and ISM-density shopping. In order to address this, we overhauled their marketing strategy from traditional advertising to something more individual and interactive. As part of our marketing strategy, we innovated our customer data collection and analysis by incorporating an enhanced CRM system, which allowed us to discover a customer’s preferences and create bespoke campaigns that resonated with them.

One creative solution that we used was the launch of virtual design consultations. Augmented Reality: Using augmented reality (AR) technology, we enabled homeowners to see what various garage door designs and colors would look like on their homes prior to purchasing. This helped to improve the shopping experience and, in turn, boosted customer interaction and loyalty. In addition, we led live-streamed home improvement how-to workshops on social media, with experts offering advice and tips for curb appeal, while creating a community around the brand.

Additionally, we then leveraged this change by concentrating on content marketing – creating aspirational blog posts and instructional video tutorials targeted at user interests. Furthermore, we created a customer loyalty rewards program to offer customers an incentive to stay engaged with us and earn discounts for repeat purchases and brand advocacy.

Adam Bogle, Senior Marketing-Coordinator, Richards-Wilcox Canada