How Do You Build a Brand Through Marketing?

How Do You Build a Brand Through Marketing?

Discover how top marketing professionals leverage their strategies to sculpt and enhance their brands. From targeted content marketing that boosts brand recognition to humanizing brands through social media campaigns, we’ve compiled the firsthand experiences of CEOs and marketing leads. Here are the top nine examples they’ve shared demonstrating the impact of marketing on brand building.

  • Targeted Content Marketing Boosts Brand
  • Thoughtful Strategy Elevates Local E-Commerce
  • SEO and Creative Outreach Increase Visibility
  • Google PMAX Enhances Trust and Visibility
  • Long-Form Video Content Builds Brand
  • Blog Posts as Beacon for Brand Building
  • Strategic Approach to Brand Awareness
  • Email Marketing Strategy Strengthens Brand Identity
  • Social Media Campaigns Humanize Brand


Targeted Content Marketing Boosts Brand

At Digital Web Solutions, a standout example of our marketing efforts significantly contributing to brand building involves leveraging targeted content marketing strategies for a niche tech client. We identified a lack of authoritative content in their sector and crafted a series of detailed, SEO-optimized articles and whitepapers addressing complex industry topics. This filled a content gap and established them as thought leaders in their field.

This approach significantly boosted their website’s organic search rankings and visibility among key demographic groups. As a result, they saw a substantial increase in leads and conversions, which solidified their brand’s reputation in the marketplace. Seeing the direct impact of our tailored marketing strategies on our client’s brand strength was incredibly rewarding and underscored the effectiveness of well-researched, quality content in building a brand.

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO, Digital Web Solutions


Comprehensive Strategy Elevates Local E-Commerce

One example of how our marketing efforts have contributed to brand building is our work with a local e-commerce business. 

Through a comprehensive strategy that included targeted social media campaigns, SEO optimization, and engaging content creation, we increased their online visibility and established them as an authority in their niche. 

Our efforts resulted in a 50% increase in organic traffic and a significant boost in customer engagement, solidifying their brand presence and credibility.

Jordan Minhinnick, Founder, Jordan James Media


SEO and Creative Outreach Increase Visibility

At my previous role with an HR SaaS company, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy, but mainly focused on getting high-quality off-page backlinks through media platforms like Featured and HARO (Help a Reporter Out).

Additionally, I spearheaded creative outreach initiatives where we partnered with a rising brand in the industry, successfully negotiating unique placements for our company on their website, which garnered significant attention.

Our strategy paid off: Within six months, our brand recognition soared. We saw a substantial increase in organic mentions, with top listicle websites featuring our HR software on their “best of” lists. This significantly boosted our brand visibility and credibility in the market.

Trendy Tan, Marketing Lead, Kepler Search


Google PMAX Enhances Trust and Visibility

One standout example of how our marketing efforts have contributed to brand building involves our use of Google PMAX. Specifically, our video content targets the upper- and middle-funnel, aiming to instill trust in individuals who aren’t yet ready to make a purchase. By doing so, we increase the likelihood that they will click on our search result when they are prepared to buy.

This strategy also boosts branded searches, which can further influence our brand positively. Notably, an increase in branded searches serves as a clear positive signal to Google for SEO purposes. This dual benefit of trust-building and enhanced search visibility has been instrumental in reinforcing our brand presence.

Chris Reed, Executive Director of Marketing, Protect Line


Long-Form Video Content Builds Brand

The best brand building? Engaging content that keeps you top of mind.

Most think of short-form content like TikTok, but what about long-form content?

We launched “The Franchise Masters,” a free video series with a 92% average watch completion rate for 10-15 minute episodes. This has significantly boosted our brand-building.

Key Objectives:

  1. Showcasing Industry Leaders:

   “The Franchise Masters” features in-depth interviews with top franchise executives, showcasing our storytelling and filmmaking skills. This builds trust and loyalty, crucial for sales and customer retention. Edelman reports that 81% of consumers need to trust a brand to buy from it. If people are learning from my brand, that means their attention is on FranchiseFilming – and not our competition.

  1. Filling a Market Gap:

   We bridge the gap in high-quality educational content for the franchise market, offering an alternative to expensive conferences and low-resolution webinars. LinkedIn shows that 47% of buyers view 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with sales, highlighting the impact of quality content.

  1. Passion for Education:

As a self-taught entrepreneur, I value accessible learning resources. This series aligns our brand with growth, education, and innovation, fostering loyalty and long-term relationships. HubSpot reports a 20% increase in customer retention for companies prioritizing education and engagement.

Trevor Rappleye, CEO and Storyteller, FranchiseFilming


Blog Posts as Beacon for Brand Building

I do one thing really well, and it’s had a powerful impact on businesses that want to build their brand. I create powerful blog posts that meet many goals at the same time. Blog content is more than writing about a topic and hoping that it drives traffic. When done correctly, it brings together your brand voice, value-oriented information, and data that help search engines learn more about you. It’s like a lighthouse that signals your presence online while guiding both potential customers and search engines.

My specialty lies in crafting these beacon-like blog posts. The key is to use a storytelling approach with a few copywriting tactics, along with in-depth research and SEO practices.

The magic of well-written blog content is that it cements your business as a leader in your industry. It builds trust when people can find answers to their questions on your blog. And it can help you collaborate with other businesses better when they see your wealth of content.

In a few weeks to a few months’ time, good blog content will increase your traffic significantly and increase engagement too. And if you are clever with calls to action and opt-in mechanisms, you’ll drive conversions as well. Consider investing more in blogging if you want to build your brand. You get your best results from experienced top writers who know your industry and understand good practices to ensure something as simple as a blog post strengthens your brand image.

Debashri Dutta, Founder,


Strategic Approach to Brand Awareness

A well-defined strategy leads to massive brand awareness, increased loyalty, and a flow of endless ideal customers or clients. 

When building your brand or conducting a rebrand, regardless of your company size or industry, it’s important to start by investing time to create a strategy. 

Many brands that skip this step start promoting content or posting advertising and end up frustrated with lackluster results. If you market to everyone, you will market to no one.

Devoreaux Walton, Brand and Marketing Senior Consultant, revelant


Email Marketing Strategy Strengthens Brand Identity

One way we have done this is through our collaboration with The Social Haus on our email marketing strategy. 

With them helping create aesthetically pleasing and engaging email communications, we’ve seen our open rate increase by 65.02% and our fulfilled order rate increase by 15.57%. 

By looking at a usually dry communication method with a visually appealing take, we have strengthened our brand identity and deepened our connection with our audience.

Floss Kelly, Brand Director and Co-Founder, TileCloud


Social Media Campaigns Humanize Brand

One example of how our marketing efforts have contributed to brand-building is through our creative social media campaigns that engage our audience in a fun and interactive way. 

By sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of our team at work, showcasing our company culture, and highlighting our innovative projects, we have been able to humanize our brand and connect with our followers on a more personal level. 

This has helped to build trust and loyalty among our target audience, ultimately strengthening our brand identity in the competitive software development industry.

Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House