How Do Successful Entrepreneurs Manage Their Work-Life Balance?

How Do Successful Entrepreneurs Manage Their Work-Life Balance?

Entrepreneurs often juggle countless responsibilities, but how do they maintain a healthy work-life balance? We’ve gathered personal tips from eleven successful business leaders, including founders and a president. From setting boundaries and communicating clearly to treating personal time as sacred, discover their strategies for achieving equilibrium.

  • Set Boundaries and Communicate Clearly
  • Be Fully Present in Each Moment
  • Carve Out Daily Personal Time
  • Embrace Life’s Seasons and Prioritize
  • Integrate Reflection and Relaxation
  • Schedule Non-Negotiable Personal Time
  • Practice Micro-Moments of Mindfulness
  • Plan Work and Personal Activities Weekly
  • Outsource and Delegate for Balance
  • Treat Personal Time as Sacred
  • Set Non-Negotiable Boundaries

Set Boundaries and Communicate Clearly

You have to put yourself in a position where you can walk away from any job and be okay. I’m very lucky to do contract work for various clients. My rule is pretty simple: as long as it’s fun, I’ll keep the client. When it’s no longer fun, it’s not good for you or for them.

Once you’re in that position, it’s easy to set boundaries and be firm about them. Just be professional about how you communicate your boundaries, and speak in terms of your employer’s interests. Let them know that when you have balance in life, you end up happier at work, and you perform better. Then, show them what you mean by showing up fresh and delivering superior work.

Dennis ConsorteDennis Consorte
Digital Marketing & Leadership Consultant for Startups, Brand Boba

Be Fully Present in Each Moment

My business has grown from a hobby that I sold out of the back of my car to my friends and family, to now being a company with over 300 employees! It’s unfair to say the job doesn’t come with its own stresses, and sometimes it can get hard to create a balance.

However, I think that the best way you can create a balance between your work and life commitments is to make sure you’re fully present in whatever you are doing—whether you’re at work or at home.

For example, when you’re at work, being fully present in the moment will help you be the most efficient. And when you’re at home with your family, disconnect from the work mindset and be fully present with those around you. If you have a clear and distinct separation between the two, you can give the best of yourself to both parts of your life without the lines blurring between the two.

Sandi HendrySandi Hendry
Founder, Minky Couture

Carve Out Daily Personal Time

Balancing work and life is a crucial skill for any successful entrepreneur. I’ve honed this over decades of managing four diverse companies while nurturing a family and traveling the world. Starting as an entrepreneur at 19, I quickly learned the importance of building and maintaining a solid support team. For instance, having agents who have been with me for nearly 30 years has been instrumental in my travel agency. Paying your team well and fostering loyalty is critical to ensuring your business can operate smoothly even when you’re not directly overseeing every detail.

One personal tip for maintaining a work-life balance is to carve out time each day for yourself. This could be a daily walk, reading, or any activity that allows you to disconnect from work and rejuvenate. When traveling for business, I make it a point to extend my stay by a day to enjoy the locale, transforming a work trip into a mini-vacation.

Additionally, regular practices like meditation and journaling have been crucial for me. Reflecting on past successes and challenges through journaling helps clear my mind and ease the stress of upcoming tasks. This practice keeps me grounded and ensures that I’m mentally and emotionally prepared to tackle business challenges.

These strategies help maintain my sanity and allow me to manage the high demands of my professional life without sacrificing personal happiness and health. It’s about making intentional choices daily to ensure that work doesn’t consume all aspects of life, maintaining a harmony that fosters long-term success and well-being.

Tammy LeventTammy Levent
Founder & CEO, Elite Travel Management Group, Inc.

Embrace Life’s Seasons and Prioritize

Step one is realizing that work-life balance is a myth. You will stop beating yourself up over the fact that you are somehow incapable of achieving it. The truth is that we go through seasons in our lives, and our focus shifts depending on the season.

That doesn’t mean that as an entrepreneur, you need to neglect all other areas of your life; it means that your business will get 70% of your attention right now, for example, and 30% will be for your family. But it is just for this stage of the business. Priorities are a big factor here.

It is important to have support, especially if you have a family. You and your partner need to be on the same page about how this will look.

My key to bringing some kind of balance to my entrepreneurial life is taking more short trips to reconnect with myself, family, and friends, disconnect from work, and feed the creativity and curiosity that later help me with my business.

Traveling is my thing; what’s yours?

Pavlina AtanasovaPavlina Atanasova
Holistic Life & Business Coach and Life Strategist, Master The Time

Integrate Reflection and Relaxation

Successful entrepreneurs understand that work-life balance isn’t about dividing time equally between personal and professional life, but about being intentional with how that time is spent.

I’ve found that maintaining balance requires a deliberate effort to step away from the day-to-day demands of running a business, no matter how passionate I am about it. It’s about creating space for personal well-being while still driving the company forward.

One personal tip that has been key for me is integrating periods of reflection and relaxation into my schedule. I’ve learned that dedicating specific times for activities that rejuvenate me—whether it’s exercise, spending time with loved ones, or simply unwinding—helps me stay centered and perform better when I’m focused on work. I treat these moments with the same importance as meetings or business decisions. It’s a reassurance for me that I’m not burning out but instead staying energized and clear-headed.

Successful entrepreneurs also often build a reliable team and delegate responsibilities effectively. This eases the workload and allows for a better balance, as you can trust others to handle tasks while you focus on maintaining personal well-being.

Gabe CharalambidesGabe Charalambides
Founder, Odyssey

Schedule Non-Negotiable Personal Time

I’d say that learning to manage work-life balance effectively has been one of the most important lessons in my entrepreneurial journey. Early on, I often found myself completely immersed in work, believing that relentless focus was the only path to success. However, I quickly realized that burnout was inevitable without balance.

The key lesson I learned is the importance of setting boundaries and making time for personal well-being. One practice that has been particularly transformative for me is scheduling non-negotiable personal time, much like I would for a critical business meeting. Whether it’s an early-morning workout, meditation, quality time with family, or simply unplugging on weekends, this time is essential for recharging.

It’s not about splitting time evenly between work and personal life but ensuring that both areas are given the attention they deserve. This approach has allowed me to maintain my energy, creativity, and passion, ultimately making me a better leader and entrepreneur.

Payal GuptaPayal Gupta
Co Founder, Tecknotrove

Practice Micro-Moments of Mindfulness

One personal tip I’ve adopted is to practice what I call “micro-moments of mindfulness.” Throughout the day, I take short breaks—just a few minutes at a time—to step away from work, clear my mind, and refocus. Whether it’s a quick walk, a few deep breaths, or just sitting quietly, these moments help me stay grounded and reduce stress. This simple practice has made a big difference, allowing me to shift gears between work and personal life more smoothly and ensuring that I can give my best to both. It’s a small habit, but it helps me maintain balance in a busy life.

Bhanu Pratap SinghBhanu Pratap Singh
Co-Founder, Rajni Intimates

Plan Work and Personal Activities Weekly

Successful entrepreneurs often juggle many responsibilities, but the trick to maintaining a healthy work-life balance is prioritizing and planning. One strategy that’s worked well for me is using a weekly planning session every Sunday. I sit down and map out not just my work tasks, but also personal activities and downtime. It’s a chance to align my goals for the week and ensure that I’m not just focusing on work but also making time for my family and interests.

This approach helps me stay organized and prevents work from consuming my personal life. It’s like creating a roadmap that includes both professional milestones and personal milestones, ensuring I’m not neglecting either. It’s a proactive way to balance the scales and keep everything in check.

Austin RulfsAustin Rulfs
Founder, Sme Business Investor, Property & Finance Specialist, Zanda Wealth

Outsource and Delegate for Balance

Learning how to outsource and delegate are two of the more important tools an entrepreneur must learn in order to be successful, and especially to manage their work-life balance. As a 3x female founder with two small children and a spouse who travels, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I truly can’t do it all.

I outsource at home and in my businesses. Building a team, community, and support system gives me the time to create, connect, and do the deep work needed to build my business. Sometimes delegation looks like an Executive Assistant or a fractional CFO, and sometimes it looks like childcare.

By outsourcing things I don’t have the best skills at, or full time for, I can devote the time I do have to the parts that matter. Taking a lunch break to hang with my kiddos during the summer, not being stressed about work, and taking time off to help your parents navigate the ER, or even going on vacation and being fully engaged in your time to disconnect.

I don’t know if finding balance is fully possible, because something will always be tugging at you. But this helps to set you up for success and gives you the space to build, explore, and make time for other things that matter too.

Ellen HockleyEllen Hockley
Principal, Ellen Hockley Consulting

Treat Personal Time as Sacred

Successful entrepreneurs often face the challenge of balancing the demands of their business with personal life, but those who manage it well understand the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing both areas intentionally. One personal tip I’ve found particularly effective is the practice of setting non-negotiable personal time. Just as I would schedule an important meeting or project deadline, I make sure to schedule time for family, exercise, or simply unwinding.

For instance, every evening, I set aside an hour or two where I disconnect from work entirely—no emails, no phone calls, no business-related thoughts. This time is dedicated solely to personal activities, whether it’s having dinner with family, going for a run, or reading a book. By treating this time as sacred and non-negotiable, I ensure that I recharge mentally and physically, which in turn makes me more focused and productive when I’m back at work.

Another aspect of maintaining balance is knowing when to delegate. As entrepreneurs, we often feel the need to handle everything ourselves, but recognizing that we don’t have to do it all is crucial. By delegating tasks that don’t require my direct involvement, I free up time to focus on both the strategic aspects of the business and my personal life. This not only reduces stress but also empowers my team to take on more responsibility, fostering a collaborative work environment.

Ultimately, maintaining work-life balance is about being intentional with your time and making sure that you’re not just investing in your business, but also in yourself and your relationships. It’s this balance that sustains long-term success and personal fulfillment.

Dylan RodriguesDylan Rodrigues
Managing Director and Founder, Storage King SA

Set Non-Negotiable Boundaries

Ever felt like you’re juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle? Welcome to the life of an entrepreneur!

According to a recent study, 70% of entrepreneurs report feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities. It’s no surprise—balancing work and life can feel like an impossible feat. But what if I told you that finding harmony isn’t just a dream?

Recently, I had multiple deadlines, client Zoom meetings, and the constant pressure to take on more projects. I was burning out, and my personal life and health were suffering. One morning, after working 19 hours straight, I read a quote by Arianna Huffington: “Success is not about climbing the ladder; it’s about how you feel when you reach the top.”

That hit me hard. I realized I needed to redefine my version of success.

Here’s the tip that changed everything for me: set non-negotiable boundaries. I started blocking out time on my calendar for personal activities—whether it was a family dinner, spending time with my kitten, or stretching for 5 minutes every hour. These moments became sacred, a time to recharge and reconnect with what truly matters.

The result? I became more productive and creative, and I found joy in both my business and personal life.

Franne McNealFranne McNeal
President, Significant Business Results LLC

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